Chapter 225: Beating the Supreme! The Second Seven-color Talent! (10,000 Character Long Chapter!)

Of course, even though Wang Ping was not afraid of the Fire Supreme, he believed that the other person did not have the ability to kill him, but he also did not underestimate the other person.

Even if the Fire Supreme is a Supreme Realm's low-level, and its lifespan is not much, it is questionable how much combat power can be exerted in its peak period, but it is not a cultivator below the Supreme Realm that can easily challenge it.

Half-step Supreme, in front of it, still exists like ants, and will be easily killed.

To tell the truth, even if Wang Ping's full combat power is activated, it is impossible to resist the Fire Supreme head-on.

Unless this guy is negligent, like the Primordial Thunder Supreme on the Elemental Star back then, who directly ignored him, took his physical attack, and then suffered a critical strike from him.

In that case, he might be able to kill the Fire Supreme.