Chapter 229: The Changed Future! The Soul Devouring Bead Appears! (A massive chapter!)_3

[ In the end, you don't know about Lin Yuanyuan's situation. Lin Yuanyuan disappeared without a trace since she parted ways with you a hundred thousand years ago. No one knows where she went, her cultivation level, or even whether she is alive or dead. ]

[ You have some guesses about this and think that Lin Yuanyuan might have really fallen. After all, the luck of you traversers is not very good. Even joining the Imperial Palace and relying on the Palace's luck to make up for some defects in the luck aspect, plus defeating other geniuses to plunder some luck, it's still somewhat lacking. It's quite normal for them to fall due to various accidents. ]

[ Not to mention you traversers, even among those with local luck, geniuses with the potential of the Three Saints List and Quasi-Three Sages List would still fall and be directly killed by Ku Xuan, who is suspected as the mastermind. ]

[ As for Lin Yuanyuan's situation, you are not optimistic about it. ]