Chapter 247: Taiyi Emperor Appears! Cultivation Soars!

[Next, Emperor Tianyu made a decision, preparing to move to the Elemental Forbidden Land at any time. As for the Life and Death Realm, that place was too dangerous, and certain death awaited those who went, so it was naturally not within the range of choices.]

[Seeing that Emperor Tianyu had made a decision, the other Quasi-emperor Ancestors of the Taiyi Imperial Palace naturally wouldn't say much. And you, too, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, having Emperor Tianyu in charge would be much stronger than you.]

[However, you also thought about the matter of the Elemental Forbidden Land and asked Emperor Tianyu again, hoping that he could provide an answer. You had asked about this in a previous simulation, but Emperor Tianyu didn't answer you because your cultivation was too low. Now that you have become a Supreme and reached this moment, Emperor Tianyu would certainly not hide it anymore.]