Chapter 12 Hundred-fold Power

This Avatar Evolution also provided feedback to Jack's original body, granting a 3-point increase to all four major attributes, reaching the standard of an ordinary person.

The Spiritual Attribute even surpassed that of an average person.

This change was an unexpected joy.

However, the changes of the Salamander Avatar were more exaggerated as it evolved from a weak creature into a low-level Extraordinary Creature, obtaining a talent named "Strength."

Although the remark suggested that the current Avatar could only unleash tenfold power, its potential could reach a hundredfold, as long as the physical strength could keep up.

Right now, this talent might not seem very strong, as a hundredfold burst of power at this size is just so-so, but what about when the Avatar evolves to dozens or even hundreds of meters in length?

By then, a hundredfold burst of its own strength would be earth-shattering.

Suppressing the excitement inside, Jack weighed his Avatar again.

Before the evolution, the thirty-centimeter Salamander weighed only about 87.5 grams, but after evolving, the same volume reached more than 1.5 kilograms, with a density about five times higher.

After weighing, there were other tests.

For instance, crawling, the strong limbs allowed the Avatar to crawl quickly on the ground, much more agile than before, like a small lizard.

At the same time, the claws on the limbs could tear up paper, like sharp little knives.

Thanks to the strengthened bones, even the teeth became much sharper, and the biting force increased significantly, easily smashing fish skulls.

Jack was very satisfied with the effects of this evolution; his Avatar finally transformed from a weakling into a fierce carnivore, even if it was only the size of a small puppy right now.

Next, Jack used his consciousness to control the Avatar to crawl around the room, adapting to the changes after the evolution, and only stopped when he felt that the adaptation was about right.

"Now it's time to begin today's cultivation," Jack opened his eyes.

He didn't know what changes would occur in cultivation with an overall improvement in physique.

With anticipation, Jack sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and concentrated, entering a state of meditation.

In the dark space of consciousness, a lotus made of dashed lines slowly spun, with three clearly visible petals representing Jack's three turns of progress.

Just then, a much stronger Spirit Power enveloped the lotus.

Under this force of Spirit Power meditation, a transparent petal slowly became clear from the bottom, becoming solid, with even the lines on it clearly visible.

"Phew! One petal," Jack exhaled and smiled.

This time his cultivation progress increased by +9, his Spiritual Attribute by +0.2, and the cultivation speed was twice as fast as before. Even the spiritual fatigue after cultivation wasn't as intense as before.

But Jack's eyes then revealed a thoughtful look, as he thought of the person ranked first among the new students.

He could now condense one petal with a single meditation session, and with two sessions per day, under normal conditions, he could establish the Lotus Platform Meditation Skill in six days, which categorized his Mental Talent as above average.

But that female student named Jane Aiken completed her Foundation Establishment in just two days, and even if she had used resources to nurture her Spirit Power, her base Spiritual Attribute must be at least above 20 points.

And her physique as well, the base attribute would definitely also be over 20 points; otherwise, even with resources to supplement Blood Qi, it would not be possible to complete the Foundation Establishment in two days.

There were also Crystal Lewis and the other geniuses ranked in the top hundred, who were expected to establish their foundations within four or five days.

Thinking of this, Jack slowly exhaled, pressing down the slight sense of superiority brought about by the attribute page, reminding himself not to underestimate others.

After a short break, Jack continued to cultivate the Body Casting Skill.

He then discovered that the speed of cultivation really improved, and even the circulation of Qi Blood in his body became much more robust. The Body Refinement effects were better and more enduring.


It was just forty minutes, and Jack Clark had continuously transported three turns of Qi Blood, each turn taking thirteen minutes.

After the cultivation ended, Jack Clark's exhausted face revealed a look of satisfaction, "Not bad, the speed and endurance of the transportation have both increased by half compared to before."

This time cultivation progress +3, physique +0.1.

As the foundational cultivation methods have a diminishing effect on physique reinforcement, similar to the Spiritual Attribute, Jack Clark estimated that when he reaches ten turns, he could at most strengthen his physique by 2 to 3 points.

Even so, today's gains were substantial.

Especially the evolved Avatar, which made Jack Clark realize its potential and its importance to him.

But soon, he began to feel a headache.

Because the evolved Hexagonal Power Lycophyte had a huge appetite. It was only 30 centimeters long, but its food consumption was several times that of before, requiring several pounds of fish meat per meal.

"I feel like it won't be long before my family goes bankrupt..." In the afternoon, Jack Clark looked at the Avatar that had grown a centimeter longer on the table and fell into silence.

The Avatar's growth pattern was such that each time it ate an amount of food equivalent to its size, it would slightly grow. It needed to grow slightly two times in a row to gain 1 Evolution value.

In other words, the current six-legged Salamander Avatar needed three pounds of fish meat per meal, twelve pounds a day for four meals, and that's just for now.

What happens when it grows to 60 or 70 centimeters later, or even evolves again to 1 or 2 meters long? Maybe it will need one to two hundred pounds of meat a day?

At this thought, Jack Clark sighed, "After one more evolution, I'll release it into the wild."

The Six-legged Salamander was originally an amphibious 'fish.' After one more evolution, Jack Clark was planning to throw it into the river to fend for itself; luckily there was a small river not far from his home.

This river spread along the city's edge and, if one followed it east for several dozen miles, would lead to the Great River's mouth. The river was rich in fish food resources, enough for the Avatar's further growth.

As for why not release it right now, it was naturally because of the dangers outside.

With the dawn of the New Era, not only could humans cultivate and become strong, many wild animals also mutated, creating a multitude of Mutated Beasts.

However, unlike humans who could cultivate and grow stronger, those Mutated Beasts evolved much more slowly. Most were not very powerful, and none could yet ignore human thermal weapons.

Still, the wilderness had become less safe for ordinary people.

The areas surrounding cities were more manageable, as officials would periodically sweep them. Whenever there were reports of Mutated Beasts in villages and towns, official personnel would handle the matters.

But the deep mountain old forests, where human footprints were rare, were a different matter. Many strong and evolving Unique Beasts lurked there, and it was tantamount to seeking death for ordinary people to venture there.

And the most dangerous area was the ocean.

The ocean had several times the surface area of land, with the deepest parts reaching over 10,000 meters. The sheer number of species living within it was staggering.

With such a large base, naturally, more Mutated Creatures would appear.

Especially the already massive whale species and some colossal and weird creatures of the deep sea—they were among the first creatures to evolve with the onset of the new era.

These naturally large creatures, once mutated, became extremely formidable.

Thankfully, these creatures still preferred to stay in the depths of the ocean. The shallow seas remained within human control, allowing ships to sail and harvest seafood.

However, some areas of the deep sea where Mutant Beasts roamed had been designated as forbidden areas.

The same logic applies: shallow waters do not produce big turtles.

Most inland rivers and waters were currently safe.

Though some fish species had become much more ferocious, occasionally one could see big fish weighing dozens to hundreds of pounds flipping over, no incidents of them attacking or eating people had been reported yet.

At least within the United Federation where he resided, this was the case. Jack Clark was not sure about the other member countries.
