Chapter 20 Dragon Elephant

"Mr. Willard, aren't you going to ask me why I refused to join your club?"

"I can't be bothered to ask, Jack. You definitely have your reasons."

After lunch, once Jack had declined, everyone went their separate ways.

Jack was off to the Logistics Department to exchange cultivation resources, and Justin Welan eagerly volunteered to show him the way, surprised Jack hadn't asked why he had refused.

"By the way, Jack, you managed to achieve Foundation Establishment within half a month, and according to the rules, you can get 3 Contribution Points per month. Don't misuse them," Justin warned.

"If anyone tries to take your Contribution Points, just punch them and tell them to buzz off."

"People actually buy Contribution Points?"

"Of course, everyone's short on them."

Justin explained, "Under normal conditions, the school's exchange rate for Contribution Points is one for a thousand, while the Black Market's is one for three thousand. But they're practically priceless."

"Especially for us new students, Contribution Points are even more important as they can be used to exchange for resources you won't see on the school market."

"And for every freshman's first resource purchase, the school offers a 90% discount."

"For example, the Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood you're about to exchange costs fifty thousand yuan a piece on the market and is not available to ordinary people, but it only requires 20 Contribution Points to exchange."

"Weapons too. An ordinary Level 1 Alloy Sword would sell for thirty-five thousand yuan apiece, but in school, the exchange only costs ten Contribution Points."

"Besides that, if you want to practice other Cultivation Methods, you'll need Contribution Points to exchange for those too, so everyone is lacking them. Some people are specifically buying them from new students."

"Some freshmen who have just completed Foundation Establishment and don't realize the importance of Contribution Points can't resist the temptation of such high prices, exchanging them for three thousand, even five thousand yuan per point."

"This happens every year, and those students who have sold their Contribution Points soon regret it."

"Why doesn't the school warn these new students?" Jack couldn't help but wonder.

Justin shrugged. "The school isn't a nanny. They've prepared all the basic resources for you. If you can't resist temptation, who do you blame?"

"That makes sense," Jack nodded.

In this world, where ordinary people still outnumbered the rest, for high school students from common families, the idea of selling 1 Contribution Point for several thousand yuan was indeed very tempting.

"Moreover, the freshmen's discount only applies to the cultivation resources corresponding to them, and there are many restrictions on the trade and exchange of Contribution Points. There's no loophole to exploit."

While they were talking, they arrived at the Logistics Department in Building D.

As soon as they entered the lobby, some older students glanced over, and one with dyed golden hair seemed particularly enthusiastic.

"Junior, are you interested in selling Contribution Points? For just 1 Contribution Point, you can make 5000 yuan."

Before Jack could speak, Justin snapped, "Buzz off. Go as far away as you can, you leeches preying on the new students."

The golden-haired student narrowed his eyes, a faint aura of danger emanating from him, and said sternly, "Junior, I was just asking if you wanted to trade. There's no need to be so offensive."

"I advise you to be more polite. I'm not a freshman."

"What, you want to bite me now?"

Justin stood his ground fearlessly, puffing up his chest and contemptuously said, "Come on, if you're so tough, hit me. Don't think I'm scared of you just because you've been cultivating for a year longer. Go on, try hitting me?"

"Come on, hit me!"

Watching Justin press his face forward in defiance, the sophomore's face turned sour, but he couldn't bring himself to make a move due to some hesitation.

"In the school, I really can't do anything to you, but don't get too cocky," said the golden-haired student before leaving with a cold voice.

"Tsk! Threatening me? Do you think I'm easily scared?"

Justin Welan scornfully said, "Don't think that just because you've cultivated for an extra year, you're something special. My brother is a high-level cultivator, why don't you try bullying the younger ones outside the school?"

Upon hearing the term 'high-level cultivator,' the blond male student's face suddenly turned pale, and his steps to leave hastened considerably.

Watching the senior student depart, Jack Clark couldn't help but look at Justin Welan with newfound respect, clicking his tongue, "Not bad, Mr. Willard, I didn't expect you to have such an arrogant side."

"Hey! Jack, you're using the wrong word here. What I did was scold on the side of justice, how can you call it arrogance?"

"However, regarding these senior students, there's indeed no need to pay them any mind. They wouldn't dare to make a move in school and can only intimidate with their status, scaring the freshmen."

"As for outside school, they wouldn't retaliate over such a trivial matter, because if they are reported, the consequences would be more than they could handle."

As they spoke, the two arrived at the service window.

"Teacher, I'd like to exchange for a vial of Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood."

"Enter your Student ID."

"Identity verification complete..."

"Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood requires 20 Contribution Points, but since you're a freshman, your first exchange of cultivation resources and weapons will receive a ninety percent discount. Confirm exchange?"


Without any complication, after deducting 2 Contribution Points from Jack Clark, the teacher turned and operated a few buttons on a cabinet behind.

A section of the wall then moved, and a small lift-like compartment descended, opening to reveal a palm-sized black bottle.

After accompanying Jack Clark to exchange for the Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood, Justin Welan left with a cheerful smile; he still had cultivation practice in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Jack Clark returned to the third floor alone and applied for a Private Cultivation Room.

In the roughly twenty-square-meter Cultivation Room, Jack Clark took off his shirt and opened the bottle of Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood, immediately greeted by a strong scent of blood.

Carefully, Jack Clark poured out a drop of the thick Essence Blood, which was as viscous as jelly, feeling a scalding sensation emanating from his hand.

Following the procedure, Jack Clark began to smear the Essence Blood onto his body—front, back, arms, legs—soon his entire body was covered in crimson blood.

In that moment, Jack Clark closed his eyes slightly, and the beginning of the Dragon Elephant Power surfaced in his mind.

"Human strength has its limits, using only human physique one cannot match those gigantic beasts. Therefore, I have created this Cultivation Method to bolster oneself with external aid."

"To practice this Cultivation Method, one must smear the body with Essence Blood from elephant-like Mutated Beasts, with Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood being the most effective for beginners. After smearing the Essence Blood all over the body..."

Recalling the steps of cultivation, Jack Clark's Qi Blood started to circulate in the path dictated by the Dragon Elephant Power, his Spirit Power radiating to attract the Heavenly Energy diffusing around him.


As the Extraordinary energy entered his body, Jack Clark's Qi Blood ignited once more, and under the operation of his surging blood, the Essence Blood smeared over his body was also affected.

The Essence Blood became scalding hot and agitated, streams of warmth mixed with Extraordinary energy surged into Jack Clark's body, refined together with his circulating Qi Blood.

In a haze, Jack Clark faintly heard the deep and Overbearing cry of the Tyrant Elephant, shaking his consciousness slightly.

Focusing his mind and maintaining his concentration, Jack Clark ignored these spiritual disturbances, concentrating on circulating his Qi Blood to refine the Extraordinary energy and the power of the Essence Blood—once, twice...

Whoosh whoosh!!

With the absorption of the Tyrant Elephant Essence Blood and the operation of the Cultivation Method, Jack Clark's physique began to undergo special changes, with his muscles and tendons becoming stronger and more resilient.

Even his internal organs were affected, his breathing as heavy as an elephant's low roar, and gradually, a subtle oppressive aura began to emanate from his body.

It was as if standing there wasn't a youth, but a massive Tyrant Elephant, commanding respect.