Chapter 26 Mutated Beast

"What tremendous strength!"

Sawyer Levin's face turned red as he slowly lowered his trembling arms.

Jack Clark also exhaled slowly, calming the boiling Qi Blood within his body, and smiled at Sawyer Levin, a few meters away, "Classmate Levin, you're not bad either."

At this time, the elevator door in the distance opened, and a few students walked out.

Although today was Saturday, many students had chosen to come to school for cultivation, working very hard to catch up to those geniuses who had established their Foundation ahead of time.

Seeing people coming, both Jack Clark and Sawyer Levin lost interest in continuing their bout.

The two had roughly gauged each other's strength, and it looked like they were evenly matched overall, but Sawyer Levin knew he had actually lost.

He had established his Foundation four days earlier than Jack Clark and had been practicing True Martial for a longer time, with initially better talent, but after exchanging more than ten moves with Jack Clark, they were still on par.

This result made Sawyer Levin somewhat silent.

He silently went to the obstacle-ridden Cultivation Area and started practicing his leg techniques even more diligently.

Meanwhile, Jack Clark stood in place, reflecting on the gains from their recent bout, and casually circulating the Qi Blood in his arms to reduce the swelling.

In terms of strength comparison, using arms to block legs was inherently at a disadvantage. If his skin weren't as tough as cow skin, receiving over a dozen kicks would have resulted in more than just a bit of swelling.

But Sawyer Levin wasn't feeling great either, which was evident from the fact that he couldn't even lift his arms now.

During this time, it wasn't just these people, he too had been improving.

Currently, his physique attribute was at 27 points, but his strength attribute had reached 29 points, with an arm strength test of 150 kilograms.

His punch at full strength had already reached over 300 kilograms, supplemented by the Overbearing power of the Dragon Elephant Power and its twofold amplification.

If an ordinary person faced this punch, not only would their arms be blown off, but their ribs and chest cavity would collapse, leading to death.

This battle involved not just a comparison of speed and strength but also the characteristics of both parties' Cultivation Methods. Sawyer Levin's Ghostly Phantom Force was sharp and highly penetrative.

The strength of the Dragon Elephant Power, on the other hand, was robust and Overbearing, and it also slightly increased Defense.

Of course, Jack Clark could easily block Sawyer Levin's attacks thanks to his Five Senses, which had become much sharper than before. Even though he hadn't entered the Heart's Eye Realm yet, the past few days of cultivation weren't in vain.

What's the use of moving quickly? Can it be faster than the speed of a swinging hand?

And that last punch of his, if it had been transformed from a fist to a palm and he had grabbed Sawyer Levin's arms in an instant, a sudden punch with his left hand would have heavily injured him, if not killed.

Jack Clark had a thoughtful look in his eyes as he summed up the experience from this battle.


At four in the afternoon, having completed his daily cultivation task, Jack Clark, looking slightly fatigued, took a bath in the changing room before heading to the thirty-third floor library.

Following the labels, Jack Clark flipped through the books and pulled out a '2055 Latest Mutated Beast Data Compendium' from the bookshelf.

Now that the progress of his cultivation had slowed, he planned to enrich his knowledge of the Cultivation World during his spare time, and read more about Mutated Beasts and the like.

Beyond that, the miscellaneous records of some cultivators were also worth a look.

They contained some of their cultivation insights, which were of no small help to newcomers like Jack Clark.

Many students were also reading at this time of day, such as a long-haired girl Jack Clark saw sitting by the window.

The golden sunlight poured through the glass, shining on her pristine face with a rosy translucence, her features contoured and locks of hair draping down like a perfect profile painting.

Jack Clark couldn't help but walk over and greeted, "Freya, you came to school today too?"

The girl looked up and upon seeing him, a faint smile appeared on her face. She nodded slightly, "Mhm, just arrived a little while ago. Have you finished your cultivation for today?"

"Almost there, one more session of cultivation tonight and I should be all set," Jack Clark said as he took a seat opposite her, curiously asking, "You really enjoy reading these?"

In recent times, he often saw Freya Louise engrossed in these Taoist Scriptures, seemingly less diligent in her cultivation than before.

After a moment's thought, Freya Louise replied softly, "Actually, reading these books is also a form of cultivation for me."

"Cultivation!" Jack Clark paused.

Freya Louise tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked at Jack Clark, "Have you heard about the compatibility theory in Cultivating True Martial Arts?"

Jack Clark nodded, "Mr. Willard has mentioned it."

"It's good you've heard of it."

A smile appeared on Freya Louise's face, "The Cultivation Method I practice is quite special; it requires my heart to be in a serene and self-forgetting state, which makes cultivation more effective."

"During this period, I've tried many methods and then discovered reading these Taoist and Buddhist Scriptures helps me, it brings tranquility to my soul."

Her words gave Jack Clark food for thought, "So does that mean Vera Wada eats snacks and pastries every day to find her Cultivation Method's compatible state?"

Freya Louise shook her head, "No, she just genuinely likes eating."

...Well, that's not it, then.

Vera Wada was also a member of the Crystal Leinster Club, and because she often hung out with Freya Louise, plus due to Justin Welan, Jack Clark happened to know her.

Lately, Jack Clark noticed that the girl named Vera Wada was either eating or on her way to eat.

In less than half a month, her previously cute face had grown noticeably rounder. Until now, Jack Clark had thought she was seeking a state of compatibility like Freya Louise, but it turned out she wasn't.

Isn't she afraid of becoming overweight?

At that moment, the long-haired girl across from him suddenly asked, "By the way, Jack Clark, I heard you had a practice bout with Sawyer Levin this morning. How did it go?"

"How did you find out about that?" Jack Clark was surprised.

"A classmate saw you two sparring this morning, and word has spread around the class. Vera Wada told me about it."

That explained it. Jack Clark modestly replied, "We just had a simple exchange. There was no decisive winner."

No decisive winner, which means Sawyer Levin lost.

Freya Louise nodded, then chuckled, "Sawyer Levin seeking a spar with you is probably because of the time you refused to join the club. He's a loyal follower of our Class Leader."

"...Ah, there's that too," Jack Clark was speechless.

He had originally thought the morning bout was just a practice between two martial enthusiasts; he hadn't expected there was another reason behind it.

Freya Louise analyzed, "Now that he's lost to you, he probably won't bother you anymore. I hope you won't take this to heart."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't sweat over such a trivial matter," Jack Clark shook his head.

He didn't lose out in the exchange, so naturally, he wouldn't hold a grudge. But he didn't expect to be targeted over such a trivial matter—perhaps it's the temperament of youth?

Or is it that he, Jack Clark, seems easy to provoke?

After chatting with Freya Louise for a while longer, Jack Clark then lowered his head to start reading.

[Mutated Burst Claw Bear: Mutated from a brown bear, averaging 6 meters in length, with thick and sturdy fur that can withstand small and medium-caliber firearm bullets and grenades. Can be targeted by high-power sniper rifles aimed at the brain or heart.]

[Mutated Wind Tiger: Mutated from a Siberian tiger, total head-to-tail length of seven meters, standing 3 meters tall, fur can withstand gun bullets, swift as the wind, ferocious by nature, with the abdomen being the weak point.]

[Dual-Headed King Python: Mutated from a Glasses King Snake, 20 meters long, its body covered with solid scales able to withstand rocket and grenade bombing...]