Chapter 28 Upper Limit Sixth-level Heaven

"The difference between high-level and low-level martial arts."

On Tuesday morning, during the break between classes, Jack Clark and Justin Welan were catching some air in the stairwell when Jack brought up the topic.

Since he had decided to participate in the ranking competition, Jack thought it best to start with understanding the basic information about his opponents.

For instance, the differences between high-level and low-level martial arts—Jack had tried to look up this information online, but weirdly enough, it was unavailable, as if it had been deliberately withheld by the officials.

After pondering for a moment, Justin said, "The first difference is the limit, high-level martial arts can be cultivated up to the Sixth-level Heaven, whereas low-level can only reach Third Layer Heaven."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack asked with confusion, "High-level martial arts can only be cultivated up to the Sixth-level Heaven? I thought the Martial Arts Realm had nine layers?"

Jack had always assumed high-level martial arts could be cultivated to the Ninth Heavens.

Justin shook his head, "There are indeed martial arts that can be cultivated to the Ninth Heavens, but those belong to top secret passes. They're not only demanding in terms of talent but also very precious."

"You see, decades ago there were no Cultivation Methods; everyone was groping in the dark on their own, and for various reasons, the entire world was in great chaos."

"Then as more people trod the path, it began to emerge. Gradually, the embryonic form of martial arts came into existence, and then the concepts of realm, level, and class evolved."

"So don't look down on the Dragon Elephant Power you're cultivating for only reaching the Third Layer. If this were the early days, it would be enough to drive countless people to fight over it."

"Moreover, the cultivation limit of low-level martial arts is only the Third Layer Heaven, but that doesn't mean you can't break through to the fourth layer; you just have to deduce the subsequent methods on your own."

"I see," Jack nodded.

Justin continued, "Even now, you can only get complete martial arts easily at school. On the outside, it's very difficult to cultivate."

"Those larger cities might have martial arts halls that take on apprentices, but not only is their tuition exorbitant, but the martial arts passed down are also very singular, mostly low-level."

"For example, if I wanted to learn the high-level martial arts I practice at one of those high-level martial arts halls, I'd need a hundred thousand in tuition just to consider it, and that's only for learning one layer at a time."

"A hundred thousand tuition and you can only learn one layer... Then you 'genius' students..." Jack blinked and suddenly saw a path to wealth.

After all, at least more than a hundred people at the school had cultivated high-level martial arts.

"I know what you're thinking, but I advise you to drop the idea. What do you think the agreement you signed earlier is for?" Justin rolled his eyes.

"Moreover, us freshmen can only learn up to the first three layers of the high-level martial arts. The subsequent techniques require Contribution Points to exchange."

"And each high-level martial art has its own distinctive features, so they are easy to recognize. If anyone dares to transmit them privately, it would be easy to detect."

"If that happens, they'll trace it back to the source. Once caught, the consequences would be severe. So, no one is willing to risk it for just a bit of money."

"Furthermore, a layer for a hundred thousand is the price through official channels. It's not worth that much under the table since there's a big risk for both buyers and sellers."

"The wealthy and powerful don't need to buy them that way; they can acquire them through other official sources. Those who don't have money can't afford it anyway."

At this point, Justin shrugged his shoulders, "Besides, high-level martial arts aren't as important as you think. The true core of the Three Great Alliance Nations is the monopoly of resources, top-tier Cultivation Methods, and Secret Books."

Although the entire world has joined the United Federation, due to autonomous reasons, it's more like a loose human alliance, a coalition within.

The most powerful among them are the big three countries, a dozen or so medium countries, and several smaller nations.

"Secret Books." A look of curiosity flashed in Jack's eyes.

Justin shook his head, "Don't ask me, I don't know what the Secret Books are either. I only heard my brother mention them once."

At this moment, Justin suddenly said, "Jack, I hear Sawyer Levin had a tough time against you a few days ago. How about it, want to see the power of high-level martial arts for yourself?"

"Sparring with you?"

"Heh, what do you say? Are you scared?"

After lunch, Jack rested briefly, then found a classroom to spar with Justin. But before they even started, a few spectators arrived.

In response to Jack's questioning look, Freya Louise smiled faintly, "Justin told us all about it. He called us over to cheer for you, in case he makes you cry later on."

Jack Clark was immediately rendered speechless. Did he appear that fragile?

Moreover, the match hadn't even started yet, so it was still anyone's game.

"Heh heh, I'm just preparing for the worst-case scenario," Justin Welan chuckled with a smirk.

At that moment, a short-haired female student named Vera Wada clenched her fists and shouted at Jack Clark, "Go for it, Jack! Give Justin Welan a good beating."

Crystal Lewis, her arms crossed, stood by with Sawyer Levin, who had sparred with Jack Clark a few days earlier. Both seemed very interested in the upcoming fight.

"It's just a friendly match among classmates, stop when you make your point. Let's get started," the Class Leader said.

At the Class Leader's voice, the two contestants, standing five meters apart, grew solemn, their stances slightly sinking as a powerful aura emanated from each of them.

With a serious tone, Justin Welan said, "Jack, the Cultivation Method I practice is known as Mysterious Martial Thick Earth True Decision, renowned for its defense and strength. The power I wield comes with a backlash, so be careful."

Jack Clark took a deep breath and replied with equal gravity, "Let's do this."

Justin Welan stomped on the ground forcefully, reminiscent of a giant tortoise flipping over, causing the ground to tremble slightly. Charging at Jack Clark, his body exuded a heavy and formidable aura, moving at a slower pace than Sawyer Levin.

But his presence was even more solid and overbearing. As he reached Jack Clark, his palms pushed out in a straight sweep.

Activating Dragon Elephant Power, Jack's muscles swelled in an instant, and an explosive, ferocious aura burst forth from his body. Without showing any sign of weakness, he met Justin's palms with his own.

Boom! Boom!

Their palms collided, the air compressed by the massive force emanating a muffled explosion.

But soon Jack's expression changed subtly as he felt a robust backlash from across him, forcing him half a step back. This only excited him more, and he shouted lowly, "Again."

Roar! Accompanied by the faint sound of an elephant's roar, Jack's muscles expanded further as his tendons and bones crackled in succession, unleashing an even more violent burst of Power Explosion.

Boom! Boom!!

Their fists and palms met again, causing another burst of muffled explosions, the mighty force spreading throughout their bodies, causing vibrations on the ground beneath them.

"Keep going." Justin Welan was also excited, his aura growing even heavier and thicker, attacking continuously like a Mysterious Martial beast covered in sharp spikes.

Meanwhile, Jack resembled a rampaging giant elephant, the two fighters like two colossal beasts just born, grappling with each other inside the Cultivation Room, accompanied by the dull sounds of heavy objects colliding.

Their movements generated howling gales with their overwhelming momentum, creating an impressive spectacle.

However, Jack quickly fell into disadvantage.

Overall, his strength was indeed weaker than Justin's, a disparity coming from several aspects.

Dragon Elephant Power primarily enhances strength. Upon entry and breaking through to the First Layer Heaven, it had increased Jack's power approximately by one-fold, along with a certain improvement in defense.

As for Justin's Mysterious Martial Thick Earth True Decision, Jack felt that it boosted Justin's strength by about one and a half times, with the power from the Advanced Skill being more concentrated and robust.

Besides defense which was no less inferior, the strange rebounding force sent part of Jack's own power back at him with every strike, which was very uncomfortable to bear.

In addition, Justin was inherently stronger than Jack, hence Jack faced suppression in every aspect.

Nonetheless, as their battle continued, Jack became more proficient with the moves of Dragon Elephant Power. Techniques he had not previously understood became smooth, and having Cultivated Inner Eye, his perception was sharper than ever, allowing him to block and counterattack Justin's moves at critical moments, turning the tables enough to maintain an undefeated stance.

Meanwhile, Freya Louise and the other three were watching intently.

They pondered how to defend and counter such attacks, learning from the experience.

Without using weapons, the difference between First Layer Heaven freshmen was actually not that significant. Some were naturally stronger, others faster, all because of the features of their respective Cultivation Methods.