Chapter 40 Overbearing

At 1:30 PM, as the teachers took their seats, the names of the two hundred who had advanced appeared on the four large screens of the Sports Center, each twenty meters long and ten meters wide.

At this time, Jack Clark also shifted attention away from the satiated Heavy Armored Beast.

"No surprise there, I'm too miserable," Justin Welan wailed as his name was absent from the big screen.

As a 'genius' who reached Foundation Establishment within a week, he must be the only one who didn't advance.

After all, even Vera Wada had luck on her side and advanced to the second round. Jack Clark swept his gaze and found his own name in the first row, a smile appearing on his face.

"All those who have advanced, enter the arena for the second round of defending the arena matches."

"Remember, stop at the lightest touch."

As Vernon Lowe, the homeroom teacher of Class 1, spoke, all the students listed on the scoreboard rose from the audience seats, took up their weapons, and gradually entered the field.

As Crystal Lewis and the others went down, Jack Clark also stood up, slinging his long knife over his back.

Just then, Freya Louise gave him a gesture of encouragement, smiling with her eyes: "Go for it, Jack Clark. Aim to bring back a spot in the Top 50."

Jack Clark turned and smiled at her, while Justin Welan at his side seemed a bit perplexed.

What was going on, where was their confidence coming from to break into the Top 50?

By the time Jack Clark reached the field below, many people on the fifty arenas had already eagerly jumped onto the stage.

According to the rules, those who go on stage first and win four consecutive matches are considered to have successfully defended the arena and are not required to accept more challenges. The later it gets, the stronger the remaining opponents may be.

"Class 15's Derrick Rowe, who will challenge?"

"Class 4's Marcus Lindsay, who wants to come up and challenge?"

"I, Class 9's Darren..."

Jack Clark didn't rush onto the platform but instead turned his head towards the distant No.1 arena, where a girl in a black trench coat, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, stood sideways.

While people on other arenas eagerly awaited challengers, the No.1 arena remained empty, as though it was an invisible forbidden area.

"Jane Aiken of Class 1," Jack Clark took a deep look at the girl before turning to head towards No.49 arena.

At No.2 arena, the male student wielding a pillar had an astonishing aura, striking down a classmate with his weapon in a single blow, radiating an impressive amount of pressure.

Passing by No.10 arena, he saw Crystal Lewis standing on it, engaged in fierce combat with a male student wielding twin blades.

In No.29 arena, Matt Watkins was evenly matched with another male student.

In No.34 arena, Marcus Lindsay, who had been defeated by Jack Clark that morning, swung a heavy hammer around and thundered a boy off the platform with thirteen consecutive strikes, breaking into a wild laugh on his face.

But before he could revel in his victory for long, he saw Jack Clark approaching from not far away, and the smile on his face immediately stiffened.

Fortunately, Jack Clark merely gave him a light glance and continued walking towards the rear under Marcus Lindsay's somewhat tense gaze.

"Thank goodness that guy didn't come to challenge me. That scared the life out of me," Marcus Lindsay patted his chest.

When Jack Clark reached No.49 arena, there were already two male students clashing on it. Upon seeing this, he halted his steps, joining a few classmates around him to watch the bout.

The strength of those who made it into the top two hundred was not weak.

Therefore, with every collision, their weapons burst into sparks, and the shockwaves from the hits caused the air to buzz.


After over twenty moves, the slightly less skilled male student was kicked off the stage.

"Thanks for letting me win."

On No.49 arena, the male student with the crew cut smiled smugly, looked around, and shouted, "Who else wants to come up?"

With only two hundred students advancing to the fifty arenas, there were not many people around each arena. Those not competing were sitting in the audience seats.

The students around these arenas were observing, comparing their own strength, pondering over which arena would be better to challenge, since everyone only had one chance.

"I'll do it."

Just as a student next to him was itching to try, Jack Clark leaped directly onto the two-meter-tall arena, immediately causing the crew-cut male student's expression to grow slightly tense.

From the handsome-looking male student before him, he inexplicably felt a faint sense of pressure.

The buzz-cut male student fell briefly silent before reporting his background, "Class 37, Derrick Rowe."

"Class 3, Jack Clark."

After speaking, Jack Clark drew a straight blade two meters long from behind him. Derrick Rowe didn't dare to be negligent, circulating the Qi Blood within his body as a strong aura permeated around him.

In the audience seats, when Jack Clark leapt onto No.49 arena, Freya Louise's gaze shifted toward him.

At the same time, Justin Welan also looked over, pondering aloud, "Freya, be honest, are you two hiding something from me?"

The long-haired girl's mouth curled into a slight smile, "Just watch and you'll see."

"..." Justin was at a loss for words.


On the arena, Derrick Rowe shouted lowly as his figure shot forward, crossing four meters in the blink of an eye to appear in front of Jack, his hands wielding a knife in a downward slash.

The snow-white blade tore through the air with a shriek, like a streak of white light descending from the sky, the blade wind it kicked up stinging Jack's face.

Clang! Sparks flew in all directions.

Jack, with a single hand holding his blade horizontally, easily blocked Derrick's full force slash without even a tremor, completely ignoring the impact of the blow.

This scene caused Derrick's face to darken, while a few of the students spectating also narrowed their eyes.

This indicated that Jack's absolute strength was far superior to Derrick's.

At that moment, the mighty Qi Blood inside Jack erupted, with his muscles bulging outwards as his aura drastically transformed, resembling a giant elephant that had been startled awake.


With a flick of Jack's wrist, an astonishing burst of power pushed Derrick back several steps.

Then, as Jack made a stepping slash, an ear-piercing gale howled in Derrick's ears, the intense aura of death causing his entire body to break out in goosebumps.

Clang! Derrick held his sword in both hands in front of him, causing sparks to scatter again.

Under the onslaught of brutal force, the overbearing strike from Jack forced Derrick back several steps, and before he could react, the sharp howl of the raging wind was heard once more.

Clang! Clang! Clang!!

Without any superfluous motions, Jack merely held his blade in horizontal and vertical slashes, each cut frighteningly quick and each containing a concussive force of over a thousand kilograms.

Under such terrifying strength, Derrick was simply unable to defend himself, even though he practiced an advanced skill.

In just four slashes, Derrick had been overpowered by Jack and knocked off the stage, his arms trembling and his muscles aching so much he could barely hold his weapon.

"Thank you for the match."

On the arena, Jack slowly sheathed his straight blade, his handsome face revealing a gentle smile, showing no sign of the overbearing aggression from just moments before.

"I... I lost," said Derrick with some bitterness.

Shortly, as Jack decided not to rest, the next student leapt onto No.49 arena.

"Class 15, Zachary Wagner."

"Class 3 Jack Clark, be on guard."


Accompanied by the faint bellowing of an enraged elephant, Jack's entire being transformed into a raging giant elephant, his two-meter-long straight blade tearing through the air, sweeping across with a piercing howl.

Clang! Clang! Clang!!

Jack delivered three successive slashes, directly knocking this freshman named Zachary Wagner off the arena, the sensation of suppression palpable.

Immediately, the surrounding area quieted down.

For True Martial, the First Layer Heaven was still within the stage of Foundation Establishment, hence the student competitions appeared quite monotonous and dull, being mere contests of strength and speed.

It was only when the strengths of both parties were closely matched that the intricacies of skill and combat awareness clashed.

With Jack's current strength, if his opponents did not reach the First Layer Heaven Limit, he didn't even need to use sword skill, just with sheer power and speed his strikes were invincible.