Chapter 59: A Hundred Boats Compete in Speed

On Sunday, Jack Clark still dressed casually in a white t-shirt, black casual pants, and flat shoes, holding a backpack with two sets of clothes inside.

Doris Clark and Glenn Clark saw him out to the yard.

Doris Clark expressed concern, "Jack, you need to be careful this time when you head over there. I heard that things are chaotic in Koroya, with people dying every day."

Since learning about Jack's upcoming trial with his teacher, Doris Clark had been paying close attention and had made an effort to find out more, which is how she knew the trial location was Koroya.

Compared to Doris Clark's worries, Glenn was merely curious and excited.

Jack let out a slight smile, "Mom, don't worry, the situation there is now under control by the Federation. We're just going over there to observe."

"Even if a few strong men slip through the net, there will be teachers like these experts to stop them, at most letting a few shrimps through to give us a bit more real combat experience."