Chapter 87 Monster

The next morning, Justin Welan and others went back to the Law Enforcement Headquarters, wanting to check if there were any new murder cases in other areas, if anyone had been killed by blood disciples.

Meanwhile, Jack Clark went to the neighboring Military Base and requested a Cultivation Room.

Jack Clark exhaled softly, somewhat expectant, a voice echoed in his mind, "Consume 20 attribute points, strengthen the Mind's Eye Bright Knife to the Third Layer."


As the 20 attribute points disappeared, Jack Clark's consciousness was instantly pulled into a mysterious realm.

Similar to the Heart's Eye, but more expansive, as if his entire 'heart' had been magnified infinitely, enveloping the entire Cultivation Room and the surroundings within a radius of tens of meters.

Within this range, Jack Clark could sense the wind blowing and the ripples of air currents flowing.