Chapter 111: Age of Great Strife, Blade Edge Unparalleled

"Let's go, time to head back."

After sensing the enemy's approximate location, to avoid startling them, Jack Clark didn't lead Justin Welan and the others straight into a fight but instead chose to leave.

He didn't even look back once.

His unusual behavior made Justin Welan and Marcus Lindsay exchange a glance, nodding slightly without saying much, and followed Jack Clark out.

It was only after they got back to the parking lot and into the car that Justin Welan asked, "Jack, did you find that guy?"

Jack Clark started the off-road vehicle, nodding slightly: "Pretty much. When I walked over there, I felt a gaze on me, filled with a strong malice."

"Damn, Jack, your Heart's Eye ability is really handy." Marcus Lindsay couldn't help but feel envious.

Being able to sense an enemy and detect danger just from their gaze — to say he wasn't envious of such a 'talent' born from True Martial Cultivation would be a lie.