Chapter 118 Dragon Turtle Domination, Eight Desolate Refining Hell (Major Chapter)

Because his home was on the outskirts of the city, Jack Clark was the first to arrive home.

"Mr. Willard, Freya Louise, Class Leader, and everyone, I'm getting off here. I'll see you at school the day after tomorrow."

After greeting everyone, Jack Clark carried his suitcase off the bus and stood by the roadside waiting for the bus to leave before he prepared to cross the street.

By this time, it was already past ten in the morning, and there was still some distance from the train station to his home.

But before Jack could get any closer, a neighbor messing with stuff in the next courtyard saw him and couldn't help shouting, "Doris Clark, your Jack is home."

There was no helping it, as two months had passed and Jack had grown to a height of 1.85 meters, with a tall and straight posture. Coupled with his stylish military uniform with a black base and red borders, he was quite noticeable on the street.