Chapter 120 Bull Devil Battle Body, Devouring Energy


Deep in the seabed, the Sword Armor Flame Beast, having completed its "evolution," slightly lifted its head, its pale golden vertical pupils ice-cold as it looked towards the now silent cracks above.

The deep sea, a thousand meters below, was pitch black except for the faint glow emitted by the churning magma and the bubbling sounds of gas bubbles, otherwise, it was dead silent.

In such a silent and deadly environment, an ordinary person could not last long before going insane, and dangers lurked everywhere.

It didn't know whether the Single-horned Tiger Whale had managed to leave safely or if it had been killed by even stronger Mutated Creatures in the darkness.

Thinking of the intense battle fluctuations that had come from above, the Sword Armor Flame Beast shook its head instead of leaving and swam through the water to a spot hundreds of meters away above the golden magma, devouring the scorching substances contained in the water.