Chapter 126: Magnetic Energy Weapon, Soloing King-level Beasts_2

Freya Louise laughed and said, "Next up, we're going to form a team, so naturally I should let you know about my 'strength.' It just so happens I need to train every day."

As she spoke, she walked over to pick up the huge sniper rifle, pushing five long and thick bullets into the magazine with a click as they were loaded.

"This is the Black Bone Armor-piercing Bullet, with a diameter of 28 millimeters. The bullet is made from grinding a Mutated Beast's bone spur, its hardness comparable to steel-core alloy, but with twice the weight."

"The most important aspect is that this type of bullet has a 30 percent penetration effectiveness against Extraordinary energy, specifically designed for hunting Mutated Beasts above Level 3."

"Aside from that, the gunpowder for these bullets is Crystal Powder Explosive, which is ten times more powerful than granular gunpowder, enabling the bullet to achieve an exit velocity of 1,300 meters per second."