Chapter 141 Loading Combat Arms, Beyond the Boundary of the World (Requesting Monthly Tickets)

"Can't be real, Senior One's next semester starts tomorrow, and he's already breaking through the Four Layer Heaven?"

"Definitely too exaggerated! I can't accept it because I'm still in the late period of the First Layer Heaven."

"Right, if Jane Aiken suddenly broke through the Four Layer Heaven, I might understand, but Jack Clark? I remember it took him half a month just to establish his foundation."

"Upstairs, it's old news that it took half a month for his foundation establishment. I knew he was extraordinary when he entered the top 49 in the ranking competition with low-level martial arts."

"How is he extraordinary?"

"Have you all forgotten that just yesterday he killed a Level 4 Mutated Beast with a Dragon Bloodline? With that combat prowess, even if he isn't at the Four Layer Heaven, he's comparable to it."

"It's not like he solo-killed the Dragon Bloodline Mutated Beast yesterday; the wound on the beast's head was clearly from Freya Louise's sniper cannon."