Chapter 157 Carol Koch: A Single Strike to Annihilation (Seeking Monthly Votes)_3

Especially with agility surpassing eight hundred, his speed was no less than that of senior cultivators who specialized in agility. Even if he encountered danger and couldn't win, he could still flee.

However, Jack Clark only cultivated for a short while before he was startled awake, opening his eyes to look outside.

In his perception, a moment ago, a powerful mutated creature had "walked" by a hundred meters away. Although it concealed its aura, the intangible sense of danger it emitted was still sensed by Jack Clark.

Soon after, cries and howls of anguish from a mutated beast could be heard in the distance.

Compared to the daytime, the mountain ranges at night truly belonged to the mutated creatures.

A one-meter-long centipede crawled through the bushes, then was suddenly pinned down by a claw shooting from above, and devoured whole by a huge creature.