Chapter 168 King-Level Ticket, Giant Beast Accompanying_3

Chirp Chirp Chirp!! What's all the fuss about? The Single-horned Tiger Whale wondered.

Roar! Of course, it's to go to the deep sea to find good things, make full use of your treasure hunting talent to bring back some extra food, and kill a few high-ranked mutated creatures for a feast.

Don't you want your wife to breakthrough soon? As well as those three little ones of yours, they've hardly grown after all this time, you're not much of a father.

Previously, the Thunderflame Behemoth had advised the Single-horned Tiger Whale to take it easy and not to bring everything back from the expeditions. But now, with its power increased a notch and the Single-horned Tiger Whale's evolution into a King Blood Mutant Beast, it had started to pressurize the other to do more.

It found that in comparison to hunting mutated beasts for eating and evolving, competing for those extraordinary resources would bring about faster growth in strength.