Chapter 173: Suppressing Purgatory, Undefeatable Battle Intent (Requesting Monthly Votes)


The battle beneath the cliff grew even more frantic.

As more and more mutated creatures died under the Eight Desolate Battle Halberd, the stench of blood soared into the sky with the night wind, spreading farther and farther away.

Furthermore, the creek of blood flowing into the river below the mountain caused all the mutated creatures in these mountain ranges to erupt in a rampage, continuously converging towards the location of Jack Clark.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heads of mutated creatures exploded one by one, while the snakes and lizards were severed in half—the black-red radiance from the halberd was unstoppable, toppling everything in its path like rotten wood.

Tonight, it wasn't just these mutated creatures that were going crazy; the ferocity, brutality, and bloodthirsty desire for destruction that came from Jack Clark's avatar were fully ignited as well.