Chapter 177 God's Reward, Life Crystals Everywhere (Seeking Monthly Pass)_3


The dense red mist was so thick that even Jack Clark could only see about ten meters ahead, and there were obvious signs of space distortion around him, with the energy of heaven and earth going wild.

Beyond that, Jack Clark felt some discomfort as soon as he approached the area.

Deep in the canyon, invisible infrasound waves spread, and that form of invisible vibration made creatures instinctively feel uneasy, which is why there were almost no signs of life nearby.

No wonder Denny Lockwood, after confirming that this place was a Twisted Secret Realm and very likely contained Heaven and Earth Treasures, still dared not enter.

"Whatever Cultivation Methods this fellow is practicing, he actually managed to come this deep into the mountains, and sensing the danger inside, he chose not to proceed."

With that thought, Jack's figure disappeared into the red mist.