Chapter 187 Three-headed Six-armed True Demon, Mythical Dragon Elephant Descends (Book Monthly Ticket)_3


While speaking, the curved knife in its arms was silently slashing towards Jack Clark.

The blade's edge and the tip of the cone sting gleamed with a strange black radiance, erasing the light wherever it passed, silent without the sound of cleaving the air, but...

Jack Clark's hands tremored, shaking the magic spear off the War Halberd, and in an instant, pivoting on his right foot, the War Halberd traced a circular pirefining path.

Boom!! The overbearing War Halberd swept aside the curved knife and cone sting, along with the magic spear that had once again pierced through the Void, blasting them all away.

Just then, Jack Clark stamped forward in a bow stance, and a strike burst forth from his halberd, his body resonating with Dragon Roar Elephant Roar, his Divine Might filling Heaven and Earth with an Overbearing aura, like an enraged Dragon Elephant.

Boom, boom, boom!!