Chapter 190: I Will Lead the Charge, and Detonate on Disagreement


After extinguishing the campfire, Jack Clark and his companion allocated tonight's watch duties.

Jane Aiken, who took the first half of the night, settled by the cliffside and quickly fell into a state of cultivation, with the vast Heavenly Energy around her swarming in under the pull of her Sword Intent.

Glancing at the girl's wildly dancing long hair, Jack Clark also leaned against the mountain wall, sat cross-legged, and entered his own cultivation.


With the Sixth-level Dragon Elephant Power in motion, streams of Heaven and Earth Energy flowed through Jack Clark's pores and into his body, quickly being refined by the True Dragon Power.

Each second, the amount of energy he ingested and refined was hundreds of times more than what it had been at the Triplex Heaven stage.