Chapter 191: Farming in the Deep Sea, Dramatically Increasing in Size_4

Because of the enormous amount of energy expelled, the underground cave had almost transformed into a purple world.


The Thunderflame Behemoth took a deep breath, and a pure energy burst within its body, instantly sending a comfortable sensation to every cell in its flesh and blood.

Just one inhalation, and most of the energy it had depleted in the previous battle was restored within the blink of an eye.

Roar! What pure energy.

Even the Thunderflame Behemoth couldn't help but let out an excited growl.

Under normal conditions, these Unique Beasts also need to convert the Heavenly Energy they absorb. Most of it would disperse back into Heaven and Earth during the conversion process.

However, the purple particles exhaled by the purple coral plants after conversion are like pure energy 'food'. They can be directly absorbed without any waste.

The most significant thing is, the Beast can absorb so many at a breath.

Roar roar roar!!

Charge charge charge!!