Chapter 196: Slaying through the Day, the Invincible Jack Clark_4

Soon, under the tense and shocked gazes of everyone, the sky turned dark.

An entire afternoon passed, and Jack Clark had challenged twenty-seven Martial School Bases, fought two hundred ninety-three battles, and won them all; no one could match him in even a single exchange.

At Clearing Martial Height Base, the lights shone brightly.

At this moment, a vast square fell eerily silent; all eyes were on the figure standing alone, holding a halberd.

At this time, the aura of unrivaled strength and towering blood light around Jack Clark grew even more terrifying. Among the swirls of blood-red Killing Intent, one could vaguely hear countless Unique Beasts roaring and wailing in agony.

It was as if he had slaughtered countless Mutated Creatures and walked out of a Sea of Blood.

Then, a teacher from Clearing Martial Height sighed after seeing more than a dozen students defeated by a single strike: "Student Clark, you have won."

Jack Clark slowly said, "Thank you for making it easy!"