Chapter 198 Unparalleled Under Heaven, Top-tier Secret Manual (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2

"Yeah, at first I thought he was just joking," Mullen Weisz said excitedly, his face flushing red.

Zac Maben looked envious. "All I care about is whether there are beautiful girls screaming at the scene."

White Veil said sourly, "We're all cultivators, not those silly little girls outside. How could we possibly scream."

Just as he finished speaking, a second-grade senior sister nearby let out an excited scream: "Ah... Junior Clark is so handsome, I really like him."


Instantly, Justin Welan and several of the guys burst into laughter, slapping White Veil's shoulder hard.

Meanwhile, far away, the Lewis sisters, Crystal and Mandy, were staring at the shining red large characters, so shocked by the achievement that they didn't know what to say.

"Brothers, let's go, a full spread on the back mountain barbecue street! Today, I, Gale Campbell, am very happy. All the green-scaled rabbit meat is free. Eat all you want."