Chapter 203 The Life of Sorrow Mysterious Martial King, Two Top-tier Secret Manuals (Seeking Monthly Pass)_3

"In this world, there are too many strange abilities: talent, special equipment, special powers, bloodlines, and even soul possession, making assassination and infiltration difficult to guard against,"

"Under such circumstances, the royal family members are all protected, which is also why people from the King's Family are hardly seen outside or heard of."

"However, this form of protection is passive. Those with cultivation talent among the brothers and younger generations of kings are still active everywhere, and their exposure would attract countless assassinations."

"So, despite their access to countless resources and high starting points, many of them dare not reveal their identities carelessly."

At this point, Tyler Lance's expression turned grim, "But over the years, many geniuses of the Human Race have been assassinated, and royal family members have died. The opposing side has also paid a heavy price."