Chapter 211: The Space That Carries Everything, Three-headed Six-armed True Martial Body (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2

As Crystal Boyce's assistant, Marla Fiore was not a cultivator, but she had long been involved in the core circle and thus knew a lot about the affairs of the cultivation world.

Mathilda Ward shook her head, "Sister Jessica, you're not from the cultivation world, so you don't understand."

"For many people with average cultivation talents, in order to obtain great strength, they don't care about the greater good of their race, nor do they care who they are trading with."

"As long as power and resources from the mythical world are given to them, they would even sell their own souls."

"For example, there's a church within the Evil God Sect where, to join, one has to kill all of their relatives, sever all emotional ties, and be as mad as a demon."

In the afternoon, a row of luxury business cars was parked under the skyscrapers of Cloud Heaven Group.