Chapter 217: Combat Divine Body, Jack Clark Takes Off, Illiterate Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Votes)_2

Soon, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, 60 meters in length and over 40 meters in height, appeared with heavy steps. Each step it took caused the seabed to tremble violently, fracturing the earth.

Due to its thick shell, the weight of the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle had already surpassed 10,000 tons. Although its body density was not as immense as that of the Thunderflame Behemoth, it was still astonishing.

Following closely, the equally massive Single-horned Tiger Kingfish and four other differently-sized Mutated Tiger Whales swam down from above, all turning their attention to the back of the Thunderflame Behemoth...

Behind the Thunderflame Behemoth, inside the Ice Crystal Palace, lay the Silver Giant Dragon, weak and prostrate on the ground. This scene caused all the giant beasts, including the Tiger Whales, to pause slightly in astonishment.

What's happening here, what have you all been doing sealed inside the Ice Crystal Palace these past few days?