Chapter 221: The Secret Skill of Rules, Eternal Life & Undying, Reversing Space-Time (Seeking Monthly Votes)

The lush valley that once teemed with vegetation had been transformed into ruins, everywhere marred by craters that spanned ten to twenty meters and riddled with massive cracks.

At this moment, a creature towering over ten meters tall, with a body length of over fifty meters including its tail, stood upright like a real Eight-Tailed Heavenly Fox, with the energy of the heavens and earth converging around it, its aura overwhelming and all-encompassing.

In comparison to Vernon Lowe's True Martial Shadow when it had just achieved a breakthrough, Hannah Gail's True Martial Shadow at the Late Seventh Layer was even more terrifying.

Its formidable presence was almost equivalent to that of a true Level 7 late-stage Giant Beast.

In front of the giant shadow, Hannah Gail stood quietly, radiating white light, which stirred the energy of the heavens and earth to resonate with the behemoth behind him, their breathing causing tremors through heaven and earth.