Chapter 232 Glenn Clark: Mom, my brother is too awesome. Chasing after the demon king_2

Tyrion Luther: "The strength of the Sixth-level Heaven isn't this formidable, this guy is at least a Seventh Layer high-order powerhouse."

"How do you know that?"

The official undercover agent Tyrion Luther chuckled: "I got lucky and witnessed a Seventh Layer powerhouse take action, so I have a bit of understanding regarding the strength of high-order cultivators."

"Hiss! A Seventh Layer high-order powerhouse, I think someone mentioned last time that he's not even twenty years old."

"Not even twenty and at the Seventh Layer, what kind of monster is he!?"

"Such a Monster Genius actually became a bodyguard for Mathilda Ward, isn't her background too exaggerated? What does her family do?"

"I heard that Mathilda Ward's family has a significant military background..."

Tyrion Luther reminded: "Did you guys notice the young man in the Daoist robe holding the lightning? I feel that he is even stronger than Darren Callum."