Chapter 245: The Monarch Lurking in the Darkness (Seeking Monthly Tickets)

In order to monitor sea Mutated Creatures, the Federation had not only set up photonic energy detectors in coastal cities but also many base satellites in the ocean.

As a result, with the destructive breath dispersing the cloud mist that blocked electromagnetic signals on the island, a hollow with a diameter of more than a thousand meters was formed.

The breath beam that reached Level 9 energy fluctuation and traveled through Heaven and Earth, soaring thousands of meters high before disintegrating, was instantly captured by the satellites in orbit.

With the image locked, the black-red Colossal Beast standing in the flames and thunder, as well as the hundred-meter long corpse of the demon ape that lay on the ground, were both photographed.

"Report, a strong Mutated Creature energy fluctuation has been detected. Image analysis, the form is 70% similar to the Codename Thunderflame Mutant Beast, but..."

"But what?"