Chapter 248: The Mysterious Martial Giant Beast, A Destructive Strike That Pierces Heaven and Earth_3


The terrifying explosion even flattened the fluctuations in the space magnetic field, and this scene was immediately captured by closely monitored satellite shooting.

Witnessing the collapse of the reef islands under that apocalyptic explosion, stones thrown into the air, many dissolved into magma from the intense heat before they even landed.

A few Level 7 Colossi that couldn't evade in time let out roars of terror, then directly had their scales shattered and bodies charred and disintegrated under the blast.

The sea surface also raised a hundred-meter-high tsunami that surged in all directions, with Level 8 and Level 7 Giant Beasts howling in panic within the waves.

Tens of kilometers away on the sea surface, watching that nearly world-ending strike that destroyed the Reef Island Group, Giants Beasts like the Single-horned Tiger Whale and the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle all widened their eyes.

Roar roar!! Thunderflame, so perverted.