Chapter 251: Condensing the Combat Divine Body, Closed-door Cultivation Breakthrough to the Seventh Layer (Seeking Monthly Votes)_2


Because her hope for survival had increased a little, Mathilda Ward's face revealed a smile, and she seemed more relaxed overall.

"...the idea of a payoff doesn't matter to me." Jack Clark was not particularly concerned.

After the pathway between the Avatar and the main body opened up, Jack had felt less strained for resources than before, and he had not presented the Dragon Egg Origin Substance in exchange for repayment.

Mathilda Ward shook her head: "I know you, Brother Callum, haven't thought about these things, but it's different whether I care or not."

"However, I haven't yet decided something to give you as a gift, I'll think about it later."


May fifteenth.

On the third day of the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon's hibernation, during the darkest moment before dawn, Jack Clark, who had cultivated all night, slowly opened his eyes, and within them the illusion of the Three-faced Six-armed figure slowly rotated.