Chapter 255: The Blood River Domain Shakes the World (Seeking Monthly Pass)

"Eight high-definition surveillance satellites, two energy detection satellites have reached their designated positions, with a core monitoring range of twenty kilometers and a vague surveillance range of one hundred kilometers."

"Field support personnel have arrived at the designated site"

"Report, the four Soul Crystals are temporarily unresponsive."

"Monitor closely, Akunus is definitely lurking nearby, perhaps mingling among those crowds watching the excitement."

"As a Veteran Evil God, Akunus has many tricks up his sleeve, including concealing the aura of his Divine Soul. It's normal that the Soul Crystals can't detect it before its power is activated."

"Clyde challenging Darren Callum has drawn away Mathilda Ward's strongest 'Perception' defense. Akunus surely won't miss this opportunity."

"Has General Lake arrived?"