Chapter 256: Killing Hundreds of Thousands, The Emperor Dragon Transforms


Upon the shattered 'Firmament,' Jack Clark descended from the sky in golden red gorgeous battle armor, with gears spinning and ribbons of flame dancing behind him.

As he swung his War Halberd in his hands, tens of meters of golden halberd blades shot out like lasers, tearing through the atmosphere and producing thunderous roars akin to wind and thunder.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Under the terrifying might of the Halberd Skill, the earth shattered, the halberd's might crushing everything in its surroundings to bits, instantly blasting dense swarms of Blood Demons into the sky as a mist of dirty blood, creating a hundred-meter radius no-man's-zone.

The explosion whipped up a violent energy that turned into a raging wind, blasting out hundreds of meters; the Six-Tailed White Fox used its six tails to circle around and shield against the shockwave that came rushing over.

"It's Darren Callum."

"We are saved."