Chapter 265: The Unshakable Number One, The Emperor Dragon Awakens (Seeking Monthly Votes)

As Jack Clark returned home, deep within the Cloud Mist Mountain Range of the Southern Variant Beast Battlefield.


A Unique Beast, 24 meters in length, resembling a mix of a giant bear and a sloth, covered in gray scale armor, let out a ferocious roar.

The massive Unique Beast moved swift as the wind, its claws enveloped in gray radiance; with each strike, heavy as a mountain, the ground shattered, and stones exploded.

Its opponent was Howard Lambert, standing 3.5 meters tall, clad in ferocious battle armor.

At this moment, Howard's body blurred with a mist of blood, behind which a ferocious blood-red phantom faintly materialized.

In his hands, he carried a 5-meter long, as thick as a woman's waist, red iron column; each swing created a massive white wave, the sound of thunder, impressive and arresting.