Chapter 265: The Unshakable Number One, Emperor Dragon Awakens (Seeking Monthly Votes)_3

"Bro, keep an eye on the fire and flip the fish every few minutes, I'll go catch a couple more."

Jack Clark also became interested, smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll handle the barbecue, you take care of the fishing."

Although with his strength, a single punch was enough to shock all the fish within a ten-meter radius to death, it wasn't necessary.

Just as Jack Clark was flipping the grilled fish, a terrifying pressure involuntarily spread from his body, and black gold vertical pupils appeared in his eyes.


Water and Fire World.

Huge swathes of the sea surface were lifted into the air and then frozen by icy energy, instantly a red Ice Crystal Palace condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Roar! Kidora, add some Cloud Mist patterns on that pillar, it will look more magnificent that way."

"Roar! And on the outer walls of the palace, carve the image of Great Scythia soaring through the sky, yes, just like that, make those wings larger."