Chapter 267: Heaven Burning Golden Flame, Great Sun Star (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2


The Deep Sea Dragon Turtle had just finished speaking when its massive body, eighty-nine meters long and over fifty meters tall like a small hill, swept up a white wave and erupted with the sound of wind and thunder, fiercely slamming down onto the sea surface a kilometer away.

Instantly, the distant sea surface exploded like a nuclear blast, kicking up a veil of sea water mist hundreds of meters high, followed by tidal waves more than ten meters tall sweeping across.

It took over ten minutes for the sea waves to calm down.

At that moment, the sea surface bulged upward, and with a loud bang, the enormous body of the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle burst out from the depths, with the sea water cascading down like a waterfall across its carapace.

On the thick, dark brown shell of the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle, there emerged a colossal claw imprint over two meters deep, with the surrounding armor cracked, slowly healing.