Chapter 269: Thunderflame Destroys the World, Real. Shatter the World_2

Roar! A flood dragon behemoth inside the water dragon let out a pained shriek, its scales on the abdomen shattered, and its flesh and blood flew around.

In the midst of shrieking, the flood dragon behemoth rushed into another water dragon, its gifted power burst forth, and in the blink of an eye, the nine water dragons, each a kilometer long, restored to their original state.

Roar Roar Roar! The enormous black thunder water dragons roared, stirring up tumultuous sea waves at the bottom of the sea as they crazily attacked the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon, intending to wear it down.

This flood dragon is worthy of being a Level 9 Giant Beast, displaying astonishing strength and was not subdued or severely injured by the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon after a few encounters.

At the same time when the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon and the flood dragon behemoth were clashing, other battles at distance also got exceedingly fierce.