Chapter 273: The Primordial Plan, Power Beyond Myth (Vote for Monthly Ticket)



The gorgeous mecha's back slowly split open, revealing a cockpit just large enough for one person to sit. After Freya jumped down, the mecha closed up slowly.

Jack couldn't see what was going on inside, but after roughly ten minutes,


As if the face of the mecha was something cold and unearthly, its eyes lit up, and a powerful surge of energy waved from inside, prompting the massive figure to move with a boom.

Thump! Beneath the heavy footsteps of the mecha, the alloy ground trembled slightly.

Watching the mecha that was slowly getting into action, Emma stated calmly, "You have now completed the initial pirefining process. Next, you must familiarize yourself with the controls and fully pirefine the eternal power furnace."

"I have programmed multiple forms into the core system of this mecha. However, as you are only a Fourth Layer Heaven Cultivator, your True Strength can only support the normal form."