Chapter 274: Quasi-Mythical Descent, Past and Present

10,000 meters below the deep sea was pitch-black, where the pressure was extremely terrifying, reaching a ton per square centimeter.

But in such a high-pressure deep sea, there existed a one-kilometer diameter waterless zone.

There, a several hundred meters high red whirlpool slowly rotated, emitting strong spatial fluctuations, with an invisible realm of thought forming a powerful energy field around it.

Under the force connecting two worlds, the sea water roared fiercely, forming a vast vortex covering tens of kilometers, piercing through the sky and the earth, swirling endless sea water.


On one side of the vortex, the sea water exploded, and a two-hundred-meter-long Black Python covered in black scales and exuding Mid Level 9 power surged out.

Surrounding the ferocious python, bands of black power roamed, crumbling the rocks below as it slowly approached the world passageways.