Chapter 278: The One-Year-Old Monarch, Catastrophe Giant Beast_2

Beneath the sea surface, only the dragon head of the Sword Dragon Giant Beast emerged as it deeply eyed the black-red colossal beast in the sky before disappearing beneath the waves, its aura swiftly receding.

Watching the Sword Dragon Giant Beast vanish, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon did not attempt to stop it.

Its current strength was only enough to suppress and defeat the opponent, but to kill a quasi-mythical beast, it still lacked something, at least until it reached the mid-stage of Level 9.

After reaching Level 9, the growth span of a giant beast would become increasingly significant, each small increase in level enhancing its natural talent power and physical strength dramatically.

That was also the reason why a Level 9 Early Stage Nine-headed Flood Dragon at the same monarch level would be nearly killed by a couple of slaps from the Sword Dragon Giant Beast—the gap was too vast.