Chapter 285: Massacre and Sweeping Through the Ruins_3

Standing in front of the corpse of the polluted giant beast, Balderas, who was like a humanoid giant beast, emitted a terrifying aura, ferocious and brutally violent.

At that moment, black-purple fog billowed from the body of the void creature, turning into swathes of Purple Killing Energy that coiled around Balderas, making him appear even more fierce.

With heavy steps crushing the earth, Balderas marched towards the depths of the ruins like a real giant beast. All the monsters he encountered along the way were slapped to death by his palm.

In such a place where the energy of Heaven and Earth was so thin that it could not be stirred, manifesting the Beast King battle body and moving purely through physical action became more convenient for them.

Meanwhile, in another place, Eddy Keller stood proudly atop a hundred-meter-tall tree, only its dead trunk remaining, overlooking his surroundings and arrogantly saying.