Chapter 286: Plundering Talent, Rolling Up Madly (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_2

Simon Carls: "Hahaha... Jack Clark of Eastern Summer is only ranked in the thirties, with just over two thousand points. This guy is stealing our monsters."

"Normal, the ones he kills are Level 5 Void Creatures, each only worth one or two points. Naturally, he can't compare to those like Gabriella who kill high-order creatures."

"But this guy truly is a monster. He has accumulated nearly three thousand Purple Killing Energy today. He's slain over a thousand Void Creatures, hasn't he?"

Hiss! Many people gasped in astonishment.

They were also beginning to realize this.

Right, according to the conversion table under the list, killing an early stage Level 5 creature is worth one point, mid period two points, late period five points.

Creatures from the Sixth Layer Heaven are between ten to fifty points, while those from the Seventh Layer are one hundred points at the early stage and three hundred in the late stage. The higher the level, the more Purple Killing Energy obtained.