Chapter 292: From Death to Life, Gabriella: Jack Clark Saved Me (Seeking Monthly Votes)

In the super-large pit over 300 meters in diameter and dozens of meters deep, Justin Welan was gasping for breath as he dug around the Dragon Turtle statue, drenched in sweat.

Even though he was a Fifth Layer Heaven Cultivator, digging such a huge pit for two days also left him somewhat exhausted.

"Phew! Take a break."

Leaning on his makeshift 'shovel,' Justin wiped the sweat from his forehead and hesitated as he looked at the half-exposed stone carving: "That said, I hope I haven't been busy for days for nothing."

From the initial surprise of discovering the damaged stele to the confusion after studying the inscriptions on the stele and discerning nothing, Justin also felt some doubt at this point.

"Forget it; if I can't understand it, I will dig out the stone carvings first. Jack always said, when you encounter inscriptions or statues that you can't decipher, just dig them all out first."