Chapter 300: Ancient Emperor's Inheritance, Great Achievement in Battle Intent (Seeking Monthly Votes)

Under the gloomy sky, the earth was cracked, filled with the desolate and lifeless aura of doomsday.

Jack Clark sat on the edge of a cliff hundreds of meters high, his legs dangling in the air, holding a cup of milk tea in his left hand and eating a piece of honey flower pastry in his right.

Behind him, a rugged and domineering War Halberd was planted in the ground, a full meter into the rock, standing like a flag.

The pastries and milk tea in Jack's hands came from Gabriella.

That wealthy girl used a Sumeru Bracelet, strengthened to +10, its space, reaching tens of cubic meters, was filled with various foods.

And all these foods were made by top-tier chefs, not only exquisite and beautiful, but also sweet and not greasy, even Jack wanted to eat more after tasting them.

Then Gabriella directly gifted him a bunch, filling the remaining space in the Sumeru Bracelet.