Chapter 308: Taking Control of the World, As If By Divine Law and Earthly Phenomenon (Vote for Monthly Ticket)_3

Between the king-level projection and Jane Aiken, a 3-meter-tall, sword-shaped red rune floated, with rune sequence chains slowly rotating inside.

Watching the floating blood-colored sword mark, Jane Aiken's eyes flickered with light, and after just a few minutes, her face revealed a mix of surprise and delight.

Because this Blood Refining Sword Mark was quite special, it could be inscribed into a sword through blood refinement, giving the battle sword a feature similar to a "Flying Sword".

With this thought, Jane Aiken's Sumeru Bracelet shimmered, and four intermediate-grade Transcendent Battleswords, each 2 meters long, appeared.

Jane Aiken was poor; when Jack Clark originally left the Southern Battlefield, she only had a low-grade ordinary Transcendent battle sword in her hand.

Latter, as the Road to Becoming a God was about to open and the list was decided, everyone received a certain tilt of resources, like these four intermediate-grade Transcendent battle swords.