Chapter 313 Primordial Rule, Innate Hibernation (Congratulations to Warm Sun Boss)_2

For instance, Eddy Keller, who's clearly a 'first-class' genius, has never even set foot on the King's Road. Isn't that ridiculous?

Not to mention, Jack Clark hadn't embarked on the Road to Becoming a God, and he alone killed countless polluted monsters, accumulating more than 700,000 Purple Killing values of strength.

Glancing at the crowd still under the influence of soul suggestion, the Nether Heavenly King turned to Marcellus Larry, "Mr. Whitlock, you take charge here. I'll take them to the base."

"Alright, leave it to me."


As the Nether Heavenly King harnessed the darkness, the endless power of darkness surged, carrying everyone to the nearby forward base.

Bang bang!!

Once everyone touched down, Justin Welan and others felt a burst of brightness as the darkness receded, revealing the brightly lit base buildings and lobby.