Chapter 316 The Silver Dragon Father, Pause in Time (Vote for Monthly Ticket)

In the icy depths of the deep sea, where mountain peaks cracked, at the foot of a mountain a series of silver halos spread hundreds of meters, connecting to the vista of another world.

At the edge of the Spatial Channel, a sixty-odd-meter long Blue Giant Crab was busily at work.

Under its house-sized pincers, hard rocks were crackling and crumbling, revealing a statue of a Giant Beast, hundreds of meters tall, standing erect.

The Blue Giant Crab bustled around the statue, excitedly blowing bubbles.

Gurgle gurgle!! Crab General, I'm so clever.

Gurgle gurgle!! When King Thunderflame returns and sees his majestic and awesome statue standing outside the Dragon Palace Gate, he will surely be delighted and praise Crab General.

This was a new idea Crab General had come up with while bored and lounging at the entrance.