Chapter 317: Mythical Thunderflame Emperor Dragon, the Crimson Thunder_2


This isn't just three times bigger in size; it's several times larger, like comparing a strong man to an eight-year-old child.

Damn! Thinking of this, Thunderflame Emperor Dragon couldn't help but curse, quite the player.

Moving his gaze away from the two Tiger Whales, Thunderflame Emperor Dragon stretched out his right claw and gently picked up a 'small' purse, pouring out the crystal mixed with seawater inside.

The crystals from five 'bags' were close to two thousand pieces, shining brightly as they piled up, a mix of white and blue, making the Silver Giant Dragon somewhat eager to move.

Since it had always enjoyed shiny things since childhood, its palace at home was filled with various glittering gemstones and energy crystals.

Looking at the Life Crystals that could convert at least thirty thousand points of attributes, Thunderflame Emperor Dragon nodded in satisfaction, "Roar! Not bad."