Chapter 318: Catastrophe Surrounds, King of Giant Beasts (Seeking Monthly Ticket)

When the darkness receded, revealing the figures of Level 9 Giant Beasts, each emanating the king-level bloodline's pressure, the Sea Dragon Giant Beast's eyes nearly popped out.

How is it possible? How can there be so many Level 9 Giant Beasts with king-level bloodlines!?

But after the shock came fear.

However, before the Sea Dragon Giant Beast could react, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon let out a deep, muffled voice, "Roar! Leave one alive for interrogation."

Unlike hunting outside, it couldn't be bothered to take action against this 'ordinary' Level 9 mid-stage giant beast, otherwise, it wouldn't have brought so many minions with it when venturing out.

Of course, this is only ordinary in comparison to the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon. The Sea Dragon Giant Beast not only awakened a king-level bloodline but was also one of the stronger ones.